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Charming, ambitious Frat boy who dresses and acts like the stereotype to a T. Transferred from a school where he was a college athlete, most likely playing LaCrosse or Soccer, but didn't like the rules that restricted him boozing it up. Most likely named Chad or Kyle. Has a radar for when a girl stops being interested, and starts firmly implanting himself in her life only then. Knows he's charming and attractive, but is most likely a really bad kisser without knowing. Has some good morals and qualities, but they rarely show up until he turns 30 and realizes what a shit show his life is, and that his trophy wife is cheating on him.

Chad is the definition of a FratDouche-Fuckboi; too bad we're interning together, I never want to see his chubbies and sperry-clad person again.

by Fsullie August 3, 2017

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fuckboy throat

A throat of a Person being really dry or swollen, basically uncomfortable.

"dude, Smoking makes my throat such a fuckboy throat "

by makgaito December 27, 2016

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heartbroken fuckboy

A heartbroken fuckboy, is someone who is constantly getting fucked over but doesn’t realize once he gets in a relationship he’s fucking over the millions of people who are trying to heal his heart... he usually waste his time with girls or boys and leaves them after a month once the others lost feelings for him.

β€œDidn’t you hear Jacob and Alice started dating?”
β€œ Didn’t Genieve like Jacob?”
β€œWhat a heartbroken fuckboy.”

by DudeBroFUCK October 14, 2018

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Fuckboy Translator

Urban Dictionary

Find out what fleek means by checking the fuckboy translator

by Ljhopeless June 11, 2019

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fake fuckboy

A fake fuckboy is a guy who at first look, you'd think he is a fuckboy, but really, he is the most normal down to earth blokes

1: Wow, dont go for david, he a fuck boy?

1: Nah, he is a fake fuckboy

by BBhhaann March 6, 2017

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fuckboy repellent

Something you use to get rid of fuck boys

β€œI need some fuckboy repellent”

by Tryhardxoxoxo June 12, 2018

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Emo Fuckboy

A guy who listens to screemo music and has longer hair then the lesbians he hits on.

Wow, with those locks, cooper is such an emo fuckboy

by Tinnaaaa Fey December 24, 2018

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