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Multiple Lemons

Having multiple lemons.

"There is multiple lemons hidden in my room." , "I will take all your lemons from your lemon closet if you don't listen"

by lululemon;) June 13, 2018

Lemon hoe

A b*tch that is sweet but sour. Will f*ck your life up in many ways.

That girl? Yea that's a lemon hoe

by Captionchat April 20, 2017

Lemon Fanfiction

A type of fanfiction with a name that doesn't make any sense at all. In most of these stories, the characters have sex or at least sexual activities with eachother. In short: lemon fanfiction is for those with a perverted soul.

My friend: "Search lemon fanfiction on Google."

Me: "Lemon fanfiction...? Ok."

My friend: *grins*

Me: "What the fuck, girl."

by HamKaas April 26, 2019

Lemon Fingered

The act of someone grabbing their balls and then proceeding to stick their fingers with said scrotal aroma in someone's nose

I was just hanging out in a bar and out of nowhere this douche Don Lemon lemon fingered me...uggh it smelled awful, like dirty butt sex

by Stinkstar69 August 17, 2019

Lemon Juice

It's a saying for a Alcoholic drink. You see Lemon Juice Is bitter and strong right? well so is Alcohol.

"This Lemon Juice is to strong, But I love it."

by MegaJared March 8, 2017

lemon cure

The close to infallible method which cures colds by drinking fresh lemon juice (from 5 to 10 lemons) with a straw.

In a book called "Las Plantas Curan," published in the 1960s in Brazil, which listed the most popular herbs and the illnesses they cure, I read about the 'lemon cure.' Whenever I catch a cold, via a straw I drink the juice from 5 to 10 lemons and they cure me every time. However, one time I did have to go to the doctor and she gave me some antibiotics because I had a fever, in the summer—imagine!

by but for December 24, 2017

Lemon Doubly

Mispronounced words by the Lebanese President during one of his speeches.

The country has drawn into political crisis in which lemon doubly the details of cabinet formation prevail.

by LebaneseCitizen August 6, 2021