Jimothy:hey I learned the Weezer lick
The moment in a fight when an opponent lands a decisive blow that stuns the other opponent almost to the point of being knocked out At that point any other blow land won't be felt much at all.
Dude! Did you see that mercy lick?! That guy did feel a thing!
When you get a lot of money in gta online
“Man I just got a creamy lick!”
To drink excessively any alcoholic beverages.
I'm going out tonight liver licking
A trend from TikTok where someone steals an object (usually unreasonable) from their school.
I just hit an absolutely devious lick and got the soap dispenser
It’s a trend going around on tiktok where students steal random items from their school. People have been taking things as big as lockers and bathroom stall doors.
A devious lick from school. Meaning stealing school property such as shampoo containers, cameras, projectors, etc. and posting it on TikTok. This trend started along with school in September of 2021.
Friend 1: Bro I just hit a DEVIOUS lick check it out *pulls out projector from bag*
Friend 2: Damn man thats pretty devious