A secret code word for a gay men’s bathhouse. Usually used during “bug parties”
Jim, are you going to flk bangers tonight? I hope i come back positive!
Piece of shit car, truck, or sweet van in the reservation. Usually rusty and has loud exhaust. More than likely if it is a truck will be hauling equally junky motorized toys such as four wheelers (hondas) and old snowmobiles. Free lawn mowers are a prize for the beds of these trucks.
Did you see Tom Zoom's new truck?! Yeah, that thing is a real Res Banger. The bumper fell off when he pulled his blown up el Tigre out of it.
A lady with male genitalia... A masculine female,transvestite/transsexual
music that can be played around “professional” coworkers. this music cannot contain illusive language and/or actions (no sexual music).
“we’re in the office.. turn on the HR banger$ :/“
A Nigerian music record label.
Bangers world entertainment was found by Mr Laazis
Bangers World Entertainment is a music record label
bangers world entertainment signed a new artist
The term used when you work on a project with the first part taking so much time or effort whereas the rest of the project taking less time thanks to the frameworks you established.
When I work on a Touhou-style game, the first stage is almost always a desk banger.