Source Code

Spider Bike

Any bike that has eight functioning wheels or turbines(in the case of a water spider bike).

man I wish i had a spider bike, it would be so much cooler than this prey-mantis scooter, but could you imagine how much gas that thing eats?

by Bull0cks July 1, 2014

Dildo bike

It's pretty self explanatory....

Jake's dad: jake is riding the god damn Dildo bike down the road again!

Jake's mom: god I really should have shot him while I had the chance...

by Mydickisbiggerthanagoddamnchic May 13, 2020

Bike Nonce

A man who rides his bike with a camera and either records kids or grasses on people to the old bill.

Jeremy Vines a bike nonce

by JezzaVee March 25, 2024

Bike Nonce

A man who rides a bike with a camera on his helmet, and either record kids or record people and phones the old bill on them.

Hey did you see Jeremy Vine’s a bike nonce

by JezzaVee March 25, 2024

Bike Nonce

A man who rides his bike with a camera and either records kids or grasses on people to the old bill.

Jeremy Vines a bike nonce

by JezzaVee March 25, 2024

Bike Nonce

A man who rides a bike with a camera on his helmet, and either record kids or record people and phones the old bill on them.

Hey did you see Jeremy Vine’s a bike nonce

by JezzaVee March 25, 2024

Bike Nonce

It's time to get this new term, in use around the uk, into the urban dictionary.
A bike nonce is a person, usually a man of a certain age, that takes to dressing in lycra, head cam, bell attached to their bicycle and other accessories while having an over inflated view of themselves, triggered by other road users not allowing them free reign while not paying for the maintenance of the road, but having alot to say about their views, put over as fact, while actively targeting other road users To get off on reporting them for transgressions only a cyclist sees an issue, while ignoring road laws themselves and see no issue in this.
They're not self aware or able to leave others to their lives as they have a "cause" to push and by god they will be heard.

Jeremy Vine became a bike nonce filming from his head cam to gain attention and self importance

A bike nonce is regulary dressed in head to toe in lycra, ignoring red lights and other Road laws however thinks its saving the world by going for a cycle

by British and proud March 19, 2024