A creature of the jellywood forests normally lives in tangleback bushes. Looks like two moon hoppers with a po-go stick on top.
"Hey, Harry! Look at that Boom-Bopper!"
"Oh wow!"
When there’s to many bagels to sell so they’re given out for free and everyone gets bagel fever
Farmer: I wouldn’t go to Bagel Town son, the have the bagel fever because of the Bagel Boom
When your in complete aggreement with close friends, with high level of excitment.
Bro #1. We should plan another riding trip with Mr. WILSON.
Bro #2 Side boom...HELL YEAH !!
The Keota High School 2022-2023 Student Body President; also known as Caden Gage Sprouse, Boom, Boomer; Boom Kat defeated Taylor Garman in the election because he is a moral and honest leader.
Boom Kat’s victory stunned the school, as many classmates threw a fit on stage like lil bitches.
projectile ejaculation flying on or though any given scene in recorded media
The director noticed ejaculate falling from the rafters (probably a grip thinking he could get away with it) during the third take, and quickly called for a reshoot citing "Boom in the Shot"
When you are on your relaxed but then your flow comes out of nowhere
Omg I think I just had a puss boom!!