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A creature of the jellywood forests normally lives in tangleback bushes. Looks like two moon hoppers with a po-go stick on top.

"Hey, Harry! Look at that Boom-Bopper!"

"Oh wow!"

by :S: February 18, 2009

Bagel Boom

When there’s to many bagels to sell so they’re given out for free and everyone gets bagel fever

Farmer: I wouldn’t go to Bagel Town son, the have the bagel fever because of the Bagel Boom

by Jsjjsjshbdbdjsbsb December 29, 2018

Side boom

When your in complete aggreement with close friends, with high level of excitment.

Bro #1. We should plan another riding trip with Mr. WILSON.
Bro #2 Side boom...HELL YEAH !!

by Leddie June 21, 2020

Boom Kat

The Keota High School 2022-2023 Student Body President; also known as Caden Gage Sprouse, Boom, Boomer; Boom Kat defeated Taylor Garman in the election because he is a moral and honest leader.

Boom Kat’s victory stunned the school, as many classmates threw a fit on stage like lil bitches.

by Keota_Culture_22 June 30, 2022

boom die

where mario goes boom die with bomb

uh oh MARIO has boom die

by yepcock May 27, 2020

Boom in the Shot

projectile ejaculation flying on or though any given scene in recorded media

The director noticed ejaculate falling from the rafters (probably a grip thinking he could get away with it) during the third take, and quickly called for a reshoot citing "Boom in the Shot"

by aruneous June 12, 2011

puss boom

When you are on your relaxed but then your flow comes out of nowhere

Omg I think I just had a puss boom!!

by Georgia man April 22, 2017