An amazing young boy in your grade that probably has blonde hair and blue or brown beautiful eyes. He’s very caring and very trustworthy. Carter is ether really tall or really short. He probably has a crush on a girl the same height of him or shorter than him. He’s a bit shy but amazing when you get to know him. Speaking of girls he probably has been searching but has recently found an amazing girl he’s into.
Girl 1: oh my gosh
Girl 2: what?
Girl 1: it’s carter
Girl 2: OoOoOoO
Carter is extremely annoying at times but it's sometimes fun to play and mess around with them occasionally, but they still leave your door open and lights on, and they throw random thinks at you because they 'feel like it'.
Carter is typically the name of a sad little bitch who plays clash of clans hates people with white hair especially when their name is joel and goes to a basic school like berrien middle/high school. They probably do your morning announcements too. They probably are in ffa and are really stupid.
Wow it's a wild Carter in it's natural habitat.
A great guy who's goofy and immature but when it comes down to it he appriciates his real freinds. He also never holds back and says whats on his mind getting him into trouble a lot. He's a complete ladies man always checking out girls. And you'll never catch him without his chain neckalce. Carter is tall, skinny, and useally has hazel eyes.
Dang Maddy has a hot freind he's a CARTER.
Carter is amazing from Washington Bc gorgeous likes people name fisher and extremely smart she’s sweet as honey but will sting back and she’s basically a therapist
Hey i see someone gorgeous oh that’s just Carter
Carter is the best person you will ever meet she’s an amazing friend and isn’t afraid to put her self out there she is as sweet as honey but she will sting back and always stand up for what’s right she typically has brown or ginger hair and is Irish Italian she only dates gentleman and Is extremely smart she is usually drop dead gorgeous but doesn’t know she’s a country girl from the Carolinas typically she loves hunting and fishing but still has southern class
Cody:hey fisher r u and Carter dating
Fisher:yes she’s the most beautiful girl ever and amazing