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1)a penis wider than it is long.
2)some one that is gay

1)tim (betts) has a chode
2) tim is such a chode

by sharon betts October 30, 2005

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this means that someone has the same length dick as it is wide.

"u couldent shag no one with that chode.

by joseph.g November 14, 2007

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past tense of chide

When I hauled out my my short, fat penis she chode me all night.

by doboy11 November 9, 2011

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it's a peice of shit that is larger than a dingleberry yet smaller than a turd

I flushed and a chode floated back up

by Carl Jenkins June 29, 2003

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The Chode

A guy who closes closets with tape measures instead of actually doing work. They also have a strange resemblance to Millhouse on the Simpsons.

Metzler wasted time all day. He's a real the chode.

by Steak_N_Shake May 5, 2021

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Another taste word for nacho or taint.

The gental giant found cheese growing from his chode.

by Chogi Punga January 28, 2005

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1)A penis whose diameter is greater than it's length. In other words, it is just a really wide dick.

2) Any person who is really fat, gross and useless.

a "Dude! That kids chode id so wide he can't even masturbate because he can't get a good grip.

b This one guy does something really gay and retarded, thus making him a chode

by Chodeboy January 16, 2007

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