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Cyber Umwelt

The way in which an individual experiences the world through the internet.

They're so delusional they're living in their own Cyber Umwelt.

by HowieP March 12, 2023

Cyber Bomb

A cyber bomb is a phrase, mainly meaning the database leak of a website, or a rogue hacker finding a vulnerability in a certain website and literally banning/doing anything in their power to ruin whatever they're ruining.

Bro my website just got cyber bombed by some dude who found a vulnerability in my code

lol I just cyber bombed a website by finding a vulnerability on their shit

by bruhthebruhman99 August 22, 2021

Cyber Frosting

Pictures of a girl with jizz on her face.

Ana got into "frosting" when her boyfriend downloaded pictures of cyber frosting.

by JimaJoeleen February 10, 2012

Cyber Medic

The Best Waifu, none are better. Really thicc, really busty, really cute.

"cyber medic best waifu dont @ me"

by GoddessofHealing December 29, 2020

Cyber Radar

A short version of a game gear called “Cybernetium Radar” from Roblox mining game “REx: Reincarnated”. Mostly infamous for the dreaded grind for the main ore called Cybernetium. Despite Cybernetium being one of the least rare ores of its tier (Enigmatic), it is still a painful grind. But, RNG (Random Number Generation) exists, and luck boosts from gears or pickaxes exist, so Cybernetium could be found instantaneously, or it could take a few weeks. (Me personally it took 15.5m basalt)

Guy: I just purchased the Cyber Radar.
Other Guy: Nice. Now go mine some more.
Guy: Yeah I think I’ll mine in the granite layer.

by FattMannUD December 15, 2023

cyber buttsex

When you anally penetrate your computer screen during an interaction via cyber; cyber anal sex with a sticky outcome.

Matt and Alondra had cyber buttsex while Julie did Netflix and chill with Ruby.

by Vibr8er69 June 21, 2015

cyber dojo

a) n. a place on the Internet to learn about martial arts, like going to a virtual dojo

b) n. a place on the Internet to practice your programming skills, like writing C code but without having access to an IDE or compiler, like improving your coding skillz

c) b. a place to improve your cybersecurity awareness, like a cyber community of practice

Rex hung out in the cyber dojo virtual machines so he could learn how to operate the latest Metasploits.

Jimmy was sick in bed for a week and couldn't get to karate practice so he monitoring the chat room of his cyber dojo to keep up with the latest gossip on who was going after their black belt.

Nancy didn't have J-Builder so she used Jon Jagger's cyber-dojo to learn how to write short java programs.

by k3for March 30, 2011