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did it hurt when you fell from heaven

A saying or pick up line that is super cheesy and old and SHOULD NOT be used. Ever. Never.

Guy: Hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Girl: No. It didnt. Cuz I crawled up from Hell.

by Diana Prince Wonder Woman March 30, 2017

74๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

did it hurt when you fell from heaven

A saying or pick up line that is super cheesy and old and SHOULD NOT be used. Ever. Never.

Guy: Hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Girl: No. It didnt. Cuz I crawled up from Hell.

by Diana Prince Wonder Woman March 30, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Bro..... If you still use this joke you are probably a super old person+its not even funny anymore

Michael: Hey jack. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Michael:To get to the other side
Jack:haha. so funny.

by Argo Lawu August 20, 2022

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What did you say about my mum?

A phrase normally used by Chavs to indicate he wants to fight the person he says it too (usally the person is involuntarily put into the situation).

Chav sees non Chav person passing him (them) at night.
"What did you say about my mum? (What you say about my mum?)
"Umm nothing..?"

by Snowberry Glitterdust Montblanc October 26, 2005

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Did you hear that Joe likes Mike?

When someone asks who are they you respond wiht: Joe mamma likes Mike-ock

-Hey did you hear that Joe likes Mike?
-Who are they?
-Joe mamma likes Mike-ock!

by Mateusz yea that legend October 15, 2019

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bitch did you just assume my gender

Did you just assume my gender but with a twist.

"what's up bro."
"Bitch did you just assume my gender!?"
"Just stop.."

by BakaDog February 17, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

search what [you just did] [dumb ass]

Your bored and u just typed search what you just did dumb ass

Im boored imma search search what you just did dumb ass

by 8f0WT4N62Nxk December 31, 2021