Middle aged married couples without kids, aka "Dinks" (dual income no kids) spending on their lifestyles to show how hip and fit they are. The things they spend on are mountain bikes, craft beers, travel, outdoor gear in general, SUV's, etc
That couple's new SUV with new pricey mountain bikes on back is some real dink flexing.
Half flex is when you or someone else does something flashy but it's half-assed or cheated in some way.
Tom:Did you see Brads new car?
Joe: yeah I saw that half flex machine, his parents bought the car and he just bought the rims .
The act of taking a pic while taking a shit. Best seen as a snapchat caption.
Sending snaps of your poop is not cool, send snaps of your face instead! We love to see the facial expressions.
he’s gonna take longer than we expected, he just hit me with the doo doo flex.
When you are flexing 90s in fortnite you are building
Hi wanna meet?
No I’m flexing 90s
you’re bragging and flexing ( to show off ) about something and it’s makes you sound weird and stupid.
James: I slept with my girlfriend’s sister.
Alex: weird flex but okay .
Lucas: my wrist hurts from this new gold Rolex I bought, it’s heavy af .
Sophia: weird flex but okay.