When the Justice system slaps multi-million dollar fines on Donald Trump they grab him by the pursey.
Because Donald Trump famously said he could grab her by the pussy it is fitting that the Justice system now gets to grab him by the pursey.
They went after Donald Trump's wealth, since the best way to beat him was to grab him by the pursey. And he is sure to throw a Trumper Tantrum.
An absolute Hardbody, Him person of the San Diego Region. Loved by few, hated by many. Commonly referring to a person who has done a him thing.
Joey Roney saved Carlsbad Football, such a Him of Daygo.
I person that has feelings for someone, but will never tell that person.
I have a fat ass crush on this guy
“i wanna ask him out”
but he only likes white girls 😭
When you don't realize a person is dead and you suffer a severe case of foot-in-mouth disease.
Earl: "I'm such an idiot. I saw our neighbor Mrs. Lundgren at the store today, so I asked her how her husband was doing. I didn't know he was dead. She said 'he's gone' and I thought he was on a trip. So I asked, 'Why didn't you go with him?'"
Opal (horrified): EARL!!!
~ "Pickles" by Brian Crane
The action or intention of purchasing "Mejai's Soulstealer" in the game "League of Legends"
"I don't care if I have 13 deaths, let me book!"
"He's on a killing spree, if he needs more AP, let him book!"
Slang: giving someone a venereal infection.
She gave him the dose.
Men who struggle with thinking they are “him”.
Traits include: major ego, consistent mansplaining, doesn’t show emotions, misogynistic personality and lack of emotional intelligence tbh.
Oh…he thinks he’s him. It’s unfortunate he suffers from him-ism.