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Cheese Hand

The hand that is saved (often during another simultaneous acitivity) for eating a cheesy (or an otherwise debri-creating) snack.

I was playing the Wii with my right hand, cause my left hand was my cheese hand.

by R3J3CT & UG April 11, 2009

Outta hand

Can be used in a positive way and be a synonym to cool, tight, dope, sick, hyped etc. Can also be used in a negetive way and be a synonym to belligerant, unruly, sketchy, shady etc.

Damn did you see the homie knock that chap out?! Shit was too outtahand! But then the homie got all drunk and threw up in my car that shit was outta hand

by Vengy March 8, 2012


Using the hands to stimulate the genitals in preparation for sexual intercourse.

Rachel got me nice and rigid with a little hand-warming.

by Eaton Holgoode January 9, 2018

the upper hand

Definition: To have more power than someone else, so that you are able to control a situation.

The company gained the upper hand in the business by buying its competitors.

After hours of fierce negotiation, the President gained the upper hand.

by 请关注公众号:英文口语专家 June 7, 2019

Claw Hands

The sensation of having numb or weak hands that usually occurs when first waking up, after laughing, or after sexual intercourse.

Julie- "I can't open this bottle of juice, I have claw hands!"

by JenJen77 February 3, 2010

Justice hand

A downward slap in the face to someone who has done you wrong, lied, or in any means made your life complicated. Unlike it's counter parts AKA the bitch slap, and pimp slap which is only inteneded to humiliate, and gain currency

Some one is spreading rumors about you at work. Thus creating alot of tension from co-workers, so you would confront that person and give them the justice hand. Smacking them down to the floor so they look up at you and realize to respect.

by Endos August 27, 2008

old hand

When you are in a Google Meet or a Zoom call and you raise your hand, but forget to put it down so when someone calls on you, you say, "OLD HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Teacher: Sawyer, do you have a question?
Sawyer: oLd hAnD!!!

by shxdofrost March 10, 2021