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The opposite of fanbase; a 'base' (group) of haters for a specific person, thing, or idea.

Justin Bieber has such a big hater-base, that you can't go anywhere without someone mentioning his name in anger.

by KLP507 December 6, 2010

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Weeaboo Hater

Indisputable Definition:

A person who, at the least, dislikes a Japanese-aggrandizing quality in people (but may direct such a mild attitude to absolute fury).

Definitions by Statistically Evident Tendencies (call them stereotypes/biases, if you wish):

The Reasonable: A glance at rational, deductive considerations.

- A person that dislikes how hyper manga/anime makes weeaboos.

- A person that dislikes the generally blasphemous Japanese-to-English translation that weeaboos choose to parrot over and over.

- A person that looks favorably upon a certain weeaboo despite its typical basement-dweller characteristic, since the hater doesn't assume that all weeaboos to be the same, and finds this one to be logically sound.

The Unreasonable: A gander at senseless, inductive deliberation.

- A person that dislikes weeaboos owing to the plain fact that they are interested in manga/anime/Japanese culture.

- A person that dislikes weeaboos merely because a lot of reasonable people do.

- An overly Nationalist person finds the concept of cultural identity as a relevant factor.


- When the weeaboo shrieks in delight over Naruto's status as Hokage, a weeaboo hater might say 'Shut up. Stop being so excited. Why are you running like that? Stop performing jutsus!'

- Weeaboo hater: 'Please stop saying things like "at any rate," "I'm going to send you flying," "trump card," "Daniel-San," and "Kyaaaaaaah!"

- Weeaboo: 'I do not support Double4Anime's rants and I'm only a weeaboo since I love manga storylines and marvel at the ridiculous expenditure of time and skill used to produce such wonderful art. I never go nuts over a plot twist or a climax.' Weeaboo hater: 'You're hired.'


- Weeaboo hater: 'I did a project with a weeaboo once. I knew that she was going to say something stupid the moment I asked her, for fun, what manga she liked. She said, "Gintama is funny since it makes fun of common manga clichΓ©s." Dumbass. I knew she'd read something so stupid as a manga.'

- Inside the head of a weeaboo hater, prior to hating: 'It seems like there are smarter people hating on weeaboos on average than there are smart weeaboos. If I start hating on them, maybe I'll appear smart!'

- Weeaboo hater: ' 'Murica! '

'You can't throw away the culture you were born to. Otherwise, you're not a real Christian!'

You shouldn't denounce someone just because he prefers a different culture. Having been born under a certain flag by no means justifies allegiance to it. If a naturally born Christian prefers Buddhist values, so be it! Let him convert.

by AliasAnonymousCaesar January 27, 2018

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

emo haters

There aren't actually that many emo haters. Those that really are tend to be hardcore metal or punk types who believe that emo music has bastardized and ripped off their genre. Even then, thats more towards the music than the emos themselves.

The reason emos accuse people of being emo haters is that they either:
a) have a victim complex, and want to make it seem that their life is difficult, when in fact it is not, or
b)they want to be seen as so non conformist and rebellious that there are groups of people dedicated to hating them.

Actually, the majority of people don't care. No, we don't think you emos are original, and that goes for both your style and music which are both incredibly derivative. But that doesn't mean we are all the homophobic arrogant emo death wishers you wish us to be.

Those who do speak of emo holocausts/genocides probably have way to much time on their hands, and shouldn't be taken seriously. Do you know how many people hated on the original punks of the 70s? Do you know how much shit the Sex Pistols got? But they didn't bitch about it anywhere NEAR as much as you people do.

I mean come on guys. There's a war on. Several wars. And genocides and famines, not to mention global poverty or the AIDs epedemic. So emos, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves...is life really that bad?

Emo: Why do you hate us? Emo haters!
Punk 1: I don't hate you. I'm fucking bored of you. You aren't worthy of my hate.

Emo: Why do you hate us?
Punk 2: Look, just piss off.
Emo: See, you hate us and our whole subculture. You ignorant homophobe!
Punk 2: Are you on crack?

Emo: Why do you hate us?
Punk 3: Eh?
Emo: It's people like you that make our lives so difficult. We don't all cut you know! That's a stereotype.
Punk 3: I really don't give a fuck. No one does. Get over yourselves.
Emo: OMG you are discrimating against us! Emos are the new blacks!
Punk 3: Did you seriously just compare a largely middle class teenage subculture with several million people living all over the world, connected (in your eyes)only by their skin pigmentation? You racist little shit!
Emo: .....

by Charlotte101 May 21, 2008

51πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

yankee hater

Adolf Hitler and his homosexual friends who do anal and fantasize about him. They fuck each other

Hitler is gay

by fartbutt2x June 13, 2004

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Obama Hater

A Republican or right wing conservative Christian white human who is opposed to Democratic views and/or black people.

Sarah Palin's supporters are all Obama Haters.

by Barack the house August 12, 2009

466πŸ‘ 538πŸ‘Ž

Emo hater

Someone with good taste.

yeah, I'm an emo hater. you heard me, you little emo bitch. run along before I shove your taking back sunday album up your ass.

by morekvltthanyou December 15, 2005

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love hater

Hater of love

every body needs some body to love before it's too late

by MATTYFUN June 22, 2004

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž