Say 'Hi Sisters' but without any teeth or with a lisp!
*James Charles without teeth starts a video* HI THITHERS!
When you met an accident, used in the Clyde and Willis episode, Go Fish!
Hi accident! (gets crushed by car)
The Hi-Cycle is when a someone says hi one time and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi and then the other person says hi with sometimes different variations on how they say 'Hi'
Bob: hi
Adam: hi
Bob: hello
Adam: greetings!
Bob: hi
Adam: hi
Bob: hello
Adam: greetings!
Bob: hi
Adam: hi
Bob: hello
Adam: greetings!
Bob: hi
Adam: hi
Bob: hello
Adam: greetings!
Bob: hi
Adam: hi
Bob: hello
Adam: greetings!
i dont fucking know either
An insult to show that not only is someone hypocritical, they’re also technologically illiterate
A: But his WhatsApp
H: Tell me about it.
The Brazilian way to say Hi/Hello in a friendly way.
~Debora Jadach
'Hi, bitch! How is it going?! '