It is the position in which a woman holds her neck (I.e. 45 degree angle)
Girl, you can get it if you hold your neck right
When you can't handle your own drugs.
Girlfriend: You can never get anything done when you're high, It turns you into someone else.
Me: Are you claiming that I can't hold my pack?
Girlfriend: I'm leaving to mom's for the weekend.
On April 14, it is National Hold Hands Day so if anyone comes up to you and grabs your hand say “Happy National Hold Hands Day!
“It’s National Hold Hands Day!”
to be used when someone is complaining about something, especially a product that behaves in a way they think it shouldn't, and especially when you (the person they're complaining to) don't care. First use: was Apple's response to complaints about the signal drop when the iphone is held a certain way.
Person A: Oh my god, this stupid video game is totally broken - it's killing me every time I try to move past this door!
Person B: Well, don't hold it that way.
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trying to calm someone down cause they are very mad and upset . asking someone to stop hollering and/or cursing.
#1male; I can do anything I f** ing want to, you can' stop me.
#2male; hold up swole up, I'm not gona stop you, but think about it before you do it.
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To stop being a buffoon and act in a socially consistent and acceptable way, by not farting or burping in public.
Even if you are at a bar or pub, and still had more than enough to drink, please hold your shit together; if you want to burp or fart or puke, do everyone a favor and excusecyourself to the restroom.
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