No matter what you google in google images there will be a shape or form of pornography. Named after the person who tested and discovered this theory. Similar to rule 34.
person 1-"Whoa I googled the word 'printer' and came up with naked man in a cowboy hat."
person 2 - "Hugo's Law bro."
The inevitability of mention of the band Green Day whenever a conversation about punk rock takes place. Usually derogatory towards the band.
"You know who's NOT punk? f&$king Green Day! They're such posers! They're such sellouts!"
"OO--Dookie's Law!"
Based roughly on the lemon law, the law gives a veto with enables a person to call an end to an stalemated arguement.
This law may only come into play under the following circumstances:
1)The arguement must be static
2)The two parties must agree
3)Once set the arguement may never be rementioned.
The background behind this law may never be repeated due to the law itself.
A.W: F*ck this....The Pound law
M.G: fine
T.K: Hey you guys remember when *****?
A.W: No wtf are you talking about?
M.G: Are you high?
The people who were your in-laws before your divorce.
Ten years after her divorce, she still visits her ex-laws in Croatia.
The Law stats that you can prove anything using the prinicples of physics.
I used Deagle's Law on everything and all I got was 10/40 on the test.
Subculture Ɵ becomes mainstream as soon as "sexy Ɵ girls" becomes a popular porn genre.
"According to Jolson's Law, scene girls are only popular because scene girl porn is popular."
"I went to Google, trying to find a picture of an extremely frumpy nerd female to counter your virginity quip. Instead all I got was hot "nerd" girl porn."
"Jolson's Law strikes again."
Shayy's law states:
that there always worse mobile game ads than the ones you saw
Lilly's garden is bad,
No Shayy's law states that (Random mobile video game) is worse