Isaac is a boy who is very smart and kind and amazing he is someone who will steal you’re heart away. He makes everyone around him smile and laugh he is always there for a shoulder to lean on an Isaac is someone who protects and cares a lot for his friends and family. DO NOT MESS UP if you meet an Isaac he’s a keeper and you might even fall in love with him at first sight if not he is a one of a kind friend to keep and to hold on to for as long as possible
Person A: wow did you see him he’s cute
Person B: yes that’s Isaac he’s hot
He's a supper cute, handsome, kind, caring person with brown eyes and brown hair. Always flirty. Has a big "personality". Looks great in a Santa tutu. Hardly ever gets mad. He's supper nice. Is definitely not a dom. A little teddy bear.
Isaac I love you
Isaac is the most attractive man you'll ever meet! He is so cool!
Dave: Hi Isaac
Isaac: Ayo what's popping my guy
Isaac is someone that makes your life better, He is extremely attractive. Girls always fall in love with him and don’t know why...something about him is just different, they can’t get over him tbh
Girl 1: “omg isaac is looking handsome as always, i wish he was mine”
girl 2: “idk what about him is so attractive, i just like him for some reason”
Brown hair - good body - caring - funny - easy going - brown eyes - dark skin (like olive skinned) - fit - likes chilling but is also fun
Rose- my type is Brown hair - good body - caring - funny - easy going - brown eyes - dark skin (like olive skinned) - fit - likes chilling but is also fun
Isaac- hi