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jason voorhees

jason is a lonely sap that cant make friends cause of his deformed face

jason voorhees is very lonley

by lonelynicholas May 8, 2019

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Jason Cruz

proper noun: The lead singer and lyricist for SoCal punk/metal band Strung Out. Cruz is also a talented visual artist in his own right.

"If you love Jason Cruz so much, why don't you just marry him?"
"I just may!"

by teh editrix June 24, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jason is a sound lad that pulls all the beours.jason tends to be ginger and have bald patches

Jason has alopecia

by Coolswagmemelord March 20, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jason is that boy. yes. that guy. that guy who will walk in the hallway, but then out of no where, starts running. He says weird stuff. It is hard to understand Jason, as you never know if he is being serious. Once hes on stage, you can't get him off. He never goes down with out a fight. Jason is nice. He makes you feel happy sometimes. But. No.

I know a Jason.

by jasonyeager10121 February 28, 2018

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Jason Trout

Nice blue eyes, good body ;) over achiever, smartest kid you'll ever meet, means well, kind hearted, a big sweet heart, blonde! :p loves diving and doing flippies! and a sexy mother fucker ;)

I seen him, and all I could say was "damn! He's a Jason Trout!"

by Kayla Gacht December 8, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jason Moore

A beverage which consists of 1/2 lemonade and 1/2 Sprite.

The taste is described as similar to a "half-carbonated lemonade."

*Snaps fingers*

Pardon me, Waiter, but could you please bring me a Jason Moore. Thanks.

by JasonMooreNo1Fan September 22, 2016

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Jason Pike

Noun: A person who avoids work or effort

Man you are such a Jason Pike

by Bob Flanagan September 29, 2013

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