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Rape-me look

Extremely low cut clothes used by women who wish to produce acute Pavlovian Salivation Reflex in desperate-for-sex males.
Promise of fornication without guarantee.

Customer: Is this a too low-cut skirt?
Saleswoman: Yes darling... the perfect rape-me look!

by rperazag May 6, 2010

128👍 48👎

Look At Me Lily

A person who cannot do anything kind for humanity without looking for validation or forced compliments from somebody. Typical in a narcissistic personality. These are the kind that take pictures/video with the homeless when they're helping them or the ones who have to call their friends just to talk about it.

*Noticing a call coming in*
Me: Ugh, no thank you!
Other friend: Aren't you gonna answer?
Me: God no! She's such a "Look At Me Lily", it's annoying AF.

by Dbowie June 4, 2020

polite looking nerd

jinsoul from loona

person 1 “omg who is this idol that is a polite looking nerd?”
person 2 “that’s jinsoul from loona!”

by lcmlvr May 1, 2022

meh look depressed

cuz i am

meh look depressed; cuz i am

by meepomeepmep November 19, 2020

Fun to look at, not to eat

A good looking guy (normally a tool, douche bag or jerk) that is extremely attractive, but you would never date them for the reasons mentioned above.

Girl 1: Look at Ray's Instagram! He's so fine!
Girl 2: Yeah, but he's a tool.
Girl 1: Fun to look at, not to eat, I guess.

by ChocoLoco March 26, 2015

Look ma no legs!

When a "Look ma no hands!" goes wrong

Idiot child: -Look ma no hands!
Mom: -Be careful so you don't crash!
Idiot child: -I won't crash, I'll be careful!
*Proceeds to get crushed by a big ass truck*
Idiot child: *crying* -Look ma no legs!

by 4chanPostAboutVaporeon November 6, 2021

look like a scrub

Gross. Tired. Dirty. Ugly

Man, I've been traveling all day and haven't showered I look like a scrub

by Crazygirl July 23, 2017