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This is the guy who wears a helmet on a scooter “cuz it’s a road scooter” he claims. This is the over weight guy who ticks in his shirt so tight I can see his belly button and he is so rank and gross and annoying

Oh god Lewis is here my gosh he is annoying

by ILikeFishAndChips(I’m English) October 20, 2022


Basic white boy.

Did you hear bro. Lewis thinks ketchup is spicy

by The screwdriver May 26, 2022


Lewis is a person that plays Xbox 24/7 and gets no girls irl and he wears skinny jeans

Lewis or Lew is

by Earl Johnson tha 3rd May 8, 2022


Back stabbing smelly bastard that only talks to a “friend” because he wants a bag

Lewis: hi mate, got new number, miss you lots, can you sort a bag?

by HWFG4444 September 10, 2023



Wow! Now that's a lewi!

by Notlewi'spartned November 23, 2021


Lewis is a little bitch boy and is a big simp.

man: omg that guy is being such a lewis
girl: yeah i know right!

by susslenn September 21, 2021


Lewis is a pedo who likes intercourse with the minors

Lewis- Hello my name is Lewis I think you placed an order on, Freesweetsforyou.com
Kid 1- yeah I ordered 4 bags of smarties

Lewis- yeah that’s the one they are in the back of the van
Kid 1- oh thank you so much mr Lewis I’ll just go and get them

Lewis - get in there you little fuck

Kid 1- MUM! DAD! SOMEONE HELP!! (Kid sobs)

Lewis - great another one bites the dust

by ObeyONEnoBOABBY January 18, 2021