Pink whitney goddess. True belieber and katy perry stan. Nothing will stop lilly from a nice night out with the gals. Film demon and cowboy boot killer. If you ever need a model hit her up cause OMG she is the one 4 U, check her out on the calarts website! Lilly is the sweetest girl you willl ever meet but she has a DARK SIDE. Shes also trying to go sober so congrats on 24 hours lilly we are proud. Ever since the incident her heart got a lot colder.
Is that lilly?
wtf she just drank the whole bottle of whitney that was literally mine
A stupid bitch who likes to cheat on her boyfriends and acts like your friend but is homofobic when her “best friend” is gay
A amazing girl who has more talents than you can count on your finger. A pretty and independent woman who doesn’t need love but if she gets love she takes good care of it. Lilly is an amazing, awesome, beautiful, and all around great person who is loved by many.
a very fat slut who cant do anything right
oh that lilly over there is a bitch
Lillys are kind caring and loving. they always try their hardest and never give up. they have a load of friends and are very reliable and trustworthy. if you ever meet a Lilly always cherish and love them because you may never meet someone as passionate and caring as a Lilly.
"Lilly is so caring."