Source Code

Log Jam

When a dude with a huge cock tries to fuck a virgin pussy, his cock (log) gets stuck

MOCO doesn't want a log jam so he avoids fucking virgins.

by MOCO & P-Phat February 11, 2009

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Raw Log

Male: The act of "mushing" two non erect penises together.

Female: The act of having sexual intercourse with a woman and a non erect penis.

Male: "Hey man, you want to go raw log in the men's bathroom?"

Female: "Damnit, Betsy! I can't get my dick hard, so we're raw logging again!"

by Pizza Peat March 17, 2010

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winter logging

when someone freezes a poo and uses it as a dildo for either themselfs or others. soon the ice will melt leaving a poo filled vagina.

girl 1 "yesturday i left a poo outside and in the morning it was as hard as ice and so i stimulated my vagina for the rest of that day with it. i just love winter logging"

girl 2 "um... ok"

by the public illustrator November 13, 2009

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A term used to describe an obese person. Spoken as an insult.

"Haha, what a log!"

by The Omnicient April 30, 2004

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log jammer

When one shits into anothers asshole, and the same shit is returned to the owners asshole. The shit is passed back and forth between assholes... Much like a sort of "hot potato" game.

James and Eddie did the Log Jammer! I walked in and saw them!!

by MorgazmHAH December 6, 2007

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to log-off, or logging-off; Exiting a situation due to boredom or gheyness. Can also be used to tell someone who is acting ghey or stupid to leave or die.

"Dude, stop being ghey, please log off of life."
"Eff you man, this party is so lame, I'm logging-off of this sausage fest."

by eRoc_of_Triple_A December 19, 2008

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Log drop

When you take a dump while having sex.

Man, that pussy was great last night! I was so relaxed that I accidentally let off a log drop!

by Emmzee March 25, 2008

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