$punky mix is a CRAZY dude, he ain't afraid of nothin'. $punky mix is usually a very good singer with a lovely voice. An average $punk wouldn't be very tall, blond hair but have a hillarious personality, what's not to love?
- Have you seen that retarded kid Oskar?
- Nope, do you mean $punky mix?
- Nah, $punky is a cool dude!
A mixture of gummy sweets from different packs all mixed together in a bow and eaten while under the influence of cannabis.
For f*ck sake! Sam dropped the magic mix!
The noxious substance that fills the space between 2 assholes.
Those assholes made a SICK ASS mixed fart!! /puke
When mixed people are constantly struggling with the balance of being white or black ; hanging with the black crowd or hanging with the white crowd
(Black Crowd) “Ay Miss Thang! I already got you girl! I’ll beat his ass if he ever disrespects my home girl again!”
(White Crowd) “omg and then he took me to the movies and we went home and watched tv!”
See the mixed struggle?
when you and all your mates combine all your bud and have a fat sesh.
person 1 " wsg cunt wanna mix tonight w the boys"
person 2: "fuck yeah cunt"
Philadelphia slang for fighting
Yo me and Quan are going to "mix" today
A drink, consisting of half diluted orange squash and half diluted blackcurrant squash, creating and fruity blend mainly served in cheap plastic cups at primary school Christmas parties.
Child to a teacher: "can I have a mix please"
"You can keep your dark fruits mate, I'll have a mix"