nature can be compared to capital God but they have one key difference which is that nature rules this world and capital God rules another. nature is in fact the closest thing to God and at times, the evil but it is always superior to humans.
the nature had many natural disasters which wiped out the humanity and the animals. some of the spiritualists rebuilt their homes, and decided to worship nature as a deity.
is the sum of all being in the ecosphere including humans.
The word mostly gets used as a defintion of everything outside of the human, which is a misconception and
suggests a division between human beings and the ecosphere. It romaticises the environement as a neutral background. In this context the notion of “Nature” is a barrier in the human understanding that stops us from finding our place in the ecosystem because it suggests that we are existing outside of it and takes away the feeling of belonging and responsibility.
1. Environmentalism is not about protecting “nature” but rather about collective survival.
2. P:” I love “nature”!
E:” Do you mean you love all beings in the ecosphere or do you want to say you love the wilderness?”
3. P: “Nature” is so beautiful!”
E: “Thank you! You too!” the sum of all being in the ecosphere including humans.
The word mostly gets used as a definition of everything outside of the human, which is a misconception and
suggests a division between human beings and the ecosphere. It romanticizes the environment as a neutral background. In this context, the notion of “Nature” is a barrier to the human understanding of the environment that stops us from finding our place in the ecosystem because it suggests that we are existing outside of it and takes away the feeling of belonging and responsibility.
1. Environmentalism is not about protecting “nature” but rather about collective survival.
2. P:” I love “nature”!
E:” Do you mean you love all beings in the ecosphere or do you want to say you love the wilderness?”
3. P: “Nature” is so beautiful!”
E: “Thank you! You too!”
The physical force thought to cause and regulate these events.
Nature's rules cannot be changed.
The rectal tunnel that can take on all sizes of cock during ass fucking with little or no hardship.
Typically referring to gay men.
Man: I shouldn't have went to that gay bar last night.
Friend: How's the natural breech holding up?
Man: It's not. Might need a butt plug for a while.
The penis - Best used when referencing masturbation.
1 - Dude, that guy must really love video games
2 - Nah, he was up all night playing with Nature's Joystick
1 - HA! Just like Quagmire when he discovered Internet porn.
In science, an illusory trend created by conflating two different kinds of data.
"I've just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)... to hide the decline." - climatologist Phil Jones, in the most infamous Climategate email