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Who asked

A rhetorical question, often used by the toxic people in our day.
When people use the phrase “who asked?” It could be because
the person is not interested in what you are saying or simply
because they want to be narcissistic in their opinion or
just want to bring you down with a toxic blow when all you
Wanted to do is to share a conversation. Below is a list of examples
to defend yourself from this unoriginal and nonsensical phrase.

Example 1:
Jim:I have completed all my homework in a day!
Ted:Who asked?
Jim:No one asked whether I asked.

The ultimate defense.

Example 2:
Ted:Who asked?
Jim:Does anyone have to ask?

Hit it to them straight to their face and they’ll have their mouths strapped in no time.

by MargarineDub February 4, 2023

who asked

the least original insult made by fortnite kids and 9 year olds

Who Asked?
Shut the fuck up jimmy you have 2 brain cells and theyre fighting for 3rd place

by iamnotanigger June 13, 2022

Who asked

This is beyond our human knowledge. There is a place in the Quantum Realm But never discovered. E pi to the 2nd power will still not solve the problem of who asked. Contact me If you know who asked. karl.steinberg@northerncassschool.com. But beware if you find who it might be dangerous.

I Found doctor and there was not a cell of where I asked Who asked

by sonicthehedgehog843 October 12, 2022

Who asked

Who asked is a very simple word created by an unknown person that didn't ask. Mostly related to people who didn't ask about your opinion because it's invalid.

Emma UwU: look guys!!! i became dreamsexual!!! im proud of myself!!!
Some random bitch: Damn bro, that's crazy and all but who asked?

by unknown449 January 18, 2022

Who asked?

The act of when Jakob annoys Simone by saying "Who?", then "Who asked". Therefore making her unhappy.

Simone: "Oh yeah, Victoria and I went to the mall yesterday, it was so fun!"

Jakob: "Who?"

Simone: "Victoria and I"

Jakob: "No, WHO ASKED?!?!?!"

Simone: "Bruh"

by BurgerBoy1 June 6, 2022

Who Asked

Who asked like who I am still trying to find who

I like Pineapples
Who asked?

by OOoooOooOOooOoOoOOoOOoOO me li January 13, 2022

Who Asked?

A statement used when you are losing an argument or when you're in a bad mood and someone says something you don't give two fucks about. This should not be used in an argument and anyone who uses it is an imbecile. An argument is when two people have a disagreement and attempt to get to an understanding. If you say "Who Asked" you're essentially building a brick wall in front of the other person with no way for them to respond. Is your ego really so small that you can't take losing an argument? What was the point in all of this? Did you really win the argument? Because when you use this statement people know you don't have a good comeback to what the other person said. Overall you did not grow as a person. You did not learn anything new. You did not reach an understanding with the other person. And even then, saying "Who Asked" also technically contradicts yourself because nobody asked for your "Who Asked" so the other person could also say that too.

1: "My mom died."
2: "Who asked?"

by Xx_-Booty_Warrior-_xX February 21, 2023