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The Dark Knight

The greatest superhero film of all time. Unlike the comical approach of previous marvel and dc movies, The Dark Knight digs deep into the roots of your dark emotions and uncovers the craziness that lies underneath. With an amazing psychotic performance by Heath Ledger as the joker, and the heartbreaking fall of Harvey Dent, this movie will tear you apart. But rest assured, you will be repaired by the noble adrenaline rush of Batman's selflessness. In my opinion, every new superhero movie is simply a cheap knockoff of The Dark Knight

Me: I'm ready to take on the world!
Friend:Did you watch The Dark Knight again?
Me: Ya, why?

by Ink Splattaz February 26, 2016

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Dark Vader

What Europeans (especially French) call "Darth Vader" - because they have a hard time pronouncing "th". This name is legit for European languages.

French citizen: "Dark Vader is my favorite character in 'Guerres de Etoiles'."

by Luvdalz68 October 16, 2020

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dark black

Dark Black, is a term used for those in martial arts. When one has reached the highest rank of Black Belt, special training is availble through egyptian ninjas. Once training is complete a dark black belt is a awarded.

"Oh my god. dan is so dreamy he jsut fished his blackbelt and has a dark blackbelt. The things i would do to that boy."

by InMadLove/wChristine March 17, 2009

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Dark Knight

A variation of the hometown classic, to pull a "Dark Knight" is to pick up a guy (or girl) in your hometown, take them to your parents house, and seduce them using the 2008 film as bait.

Once back at your parents crib, you gotta slip into something sexy under the guise of comfort (usually a kimono), making a wardrobe change from formal to nightware, much like from bruce wayne to batman. After that, it's just a matter of banging on your parent's couch while using the movie's explosive soundtrack to mask the noise.

this guy wasn't into banging at my mom's house, but he was a total dork so I figured I'd pull a dark knight.

by Queenie MareBare January 8, 2010

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The Dark Lord

-also My Lord; reference made to evil sorcerer Voldemort, from the Harry Potter series, by his followers, the Death Eaters.

"The Dark Lord is coming for you."

by hp is my drug =] June 24, 2007

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The Dark Shight

The Dark Shight, derived from "The Dark Knight" depicts Batman's infamous uselessness in the comic world.

Batman was not born with super powers, he just has a lot of money and a butler.

"Eoin, Batman is NOT a superhero."

"But Dee!! He is! Waaaahhhhhhhhh"

"No, he's nothing but the Dark Shight!"

by Dee_dawg November 29, 2011

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Dark Knighty

A runescape legend who has over 50 million attack exp. He's a racist asshole but its funny to watch.

Wow Dark knighty just flamed that intro

by Exp Hog July 11, 2008

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