Parker is a very interesting little dude, you often meet him at a church. He will always be a year younger then you but he is still very attractive. He loves his sketchers more then his family and he likes to hide behind things.
look at Parker, i think he has a new pair of sketchers.
parker is a very nice and outgoing girl. she will come off as shy first but to her close friends, she is very loud and will be herself. she thinks lots of people are attractive and her crushes don’t last for long. she knows she is very pretty but will never say it out loud. her friendships will usually last years, but so will her enemies. she stays true to her personality her whole life and doesn’t change for anyone.
boy #1: wow look at parker she’s so pretty
boy#2: yeah but she seem so shy
parker’s best friend: trust me she’s not shy
Very cool and gets all the BIG BOOTY BITCHES. Makes Miles his bitch.
See Miles over there... Yeah Miles is Parkers bitch.
a beautiful boy who deserves nothing but the best, he’s actually incredible.
no one is as amazing as parker.
One of the most talented people you will ever met in your life. He is very smart,but will never show how smart and talented he is. He is usually tall and have brow hair and green or blue eyes
Hot girl:I need to get me a parker
The most generic white person you’ll ever meet that has a foot fetish.
God damn I fucking hate Parker
A guy named parker will always put himself before others, a little bad and a little good. Parker's have the cutest smiles and will always care for everyone. They are great friends but can be shy, all in all if you find a guy named parker he will give you the world
Girl:I'm so happy
Girl:me and parker were going to have a nice dinner out but instead he cooked dinner for me