Pari is a nickname for Paayal meaning a fairy and its a meaning to french and it might be a best friend forever to a name called Sanika and the enemy called Rijul so when you find a Pari never leave her side and she also maybe be savage who might kick her down. WATCH OUT AND NEVER YELL AT A PARI SAME THING TO A PAAYAL
Pari is defined for a boy to marry her when he looks at her
Pari is the meaning of a fairy and it is related to Paris Pari is a hindu girl name meaning she is beautiful and sweet, smart and same like a fairy Pari is a nickname to Paayal And both those names are magical to any hindi name
Look that is a Pari in that fairytale
We still don't know who was in there
Man 1: Who was in Paris
Man 2: Your mum
The definition of avatar way of water
T: "hey let's take a avatar pictures of Paris"
K: yea let's do that and call them avatar way of water
Pateras olon also have the hugest penis
I really wanna have sex with paris
Someone who is wonderful and brings joy to every aspect of your life but unfortunately has many weird and unusual kinks relating to birds and other mammals.
That’s such a pari kink to have