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Silly slacker

Something your aunt will call you

If you ask for fried pickles she will call you a “silly slacker

by Striker8742 November 1, 2021

silly surprise

Used to describe something that isn't that bad making it sound a lot worse.

Person 1- "Hey, I put a silly surprise in your food last night"

Person 2 "WHAT?!"

Person 1- "Yeah, I put a singular olive in your spaghetti"
Person 2 "oh"

by SaraWas#1 April 18, 2019

ivan the silly goose

ivan is an extremely silly goose who does silly things! he never sleeps and loves girls from hawaii.

Oh look, its ivan the silly goose eating sushi which is his favorite food!

by ivansbiggestfan June 26, 2021

Silly Goobero

A Silly Goobero is a silly goober that is sillier than any other goober in a 69-mile radius.

You're a Silly Goobero.

by Da Saltyboi July 2, 2024

silly goof

A misspelling of "silly goose"

"I may have accidentally driven into a group of kindergarteners."
"You silly goof!"

by Oskai March 13, 2023

Silly lil goose

When an individual is unable to be vulnerable enough to even accept complements. And counter acts any sweet gestures with nasty remarks or disses.

I tried to tell her that she was looking gorgeous today, but she was being a silly lil goose about it.

by YungHoodPope December 29, 2023

Silly little goblin

Very crazy or funny

That was so silly little goblin!!

by Nut funny man January 31, 2023