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Spanish latte

When a girl quiefs but a little bit of the previous suitors cum drips out into your mouth after the couple had mexican food the night before.

I gave that fool a Spanish latte and he had no idea!

by SPANISH DIVA June 19, 2022

Spanish Whistler

The act of eating your partners ass whilst they have diarrhea

Justin, I bought Ben some Taco Bell, I’m gonna give him a wild spanish whistler later, no homo of course

by Massive yeeter May 15, 2018

spanish woman

1. women that are from Spain
2. no mercy women that will do everything to make you feel bad

1. Carmen is a Spanish woman since she’s from Spain

2. my spanish teacher that is a spanish woman pushed me at the end of the lesson

by puknidebily August 22, 2022

Spanish Gymnast

A type of oral intercourse. Where the male is lying down with his legs spread apart on the wall, meanwhile his partner goes into a handstand leaning on the opposing wall, whilst orally intercoursing.

Man: Yo I'm feelin the spanish vibes...Wanna do the Spanish Gymnast?
Partner: Yas queen!

by official_allah January 3, 2021

Screams in Spanish

something really dumb to say since you can't scream in Spanish

Movie - *Jumpscare*

Guy - *Screams in Spanish*

by Matsu Robot June 23, 2022

spanish porcupine

When you take public transportation in Harlem and get stabbed.

The other day I took the 51 and got the spanish porcupine. Now i'm here in the hospital with a deep stab wound.

by Greg & Rob October 29, 2015