A toilet that is popular is asia, japan, and some other countries. To use it, remove your pants, then stand over the pan. If possible, face towards the hood of the toilet. Avoid squatting directly over the hole, as this can splash water back up. Then, squat down. Bend gently at the knees and lower yourself down into a deep squat. Poop, and then see what is available to clean your butt. If toilet paper is provided, use it, and then throw it away in the toilet paper bin, rather than in the toilet itself. If there is a sprayer instead, simply spray your butt and wipe it with your hand. Then flush, retrieve you pants, and leave.
I’m gonna go use the squat toilet.
The action of taking a shit in water, typically in a river or lake.
Trent took two aqua squats downstream, towards that nice couple and their dog.
Like the Carolina Squat, but with race cars shortly after launching. Most noticeable on cars with wheelie bars, sans wheels.
"Hey! Did you see Joey's Omaha Squat at The Equalizer Street Race in Kansas last week?"
Squatting down to eat your kebab because you have had too much to drink and can't stand up straight to eat it.
'That chick is so wasted she is pulling the squat kebab on the corner'
'On a scale of one to squat kebab how messy was your Saturday night in the valley?'
Never pop a squat at Taco Bell
Gabe- pop a squat
A term commonly used by Austin Brooks when he refers too his teammate Justice Moore who ofter switches sides and back stabs him
Austin: “Thank you Moore once again for being a trust Hoppin Squat once again”
The exceedingly uncomfortable and inconvenient bent-far-forward position that you are forced to assume when sitting on the toilet and trying to urinate, but you have a "stubborn" boner that refuses to "relax", and so you have to awkwardly lean way over with your head down between your knees in order to rotate your abdomen far enough to get the tip of Mr. Happy down into the bowl.
It's a good idea to take a good long whiz **before** "getting it on hot 'n' heavy" with a luscious chick --- especially if you also take a Viagra/Cialis pill prior to said bouncy-bouncy --- to avoid any unexpected stiffy-squats.