Mud flapped. The female version of getting tea bagged in a video game after you get killed. The act of repeatedly squatting up and down on the head of the player you just killed.
After she killed me she mud flapped me to establish her dominance and let me know that I am trash.
When you grab your flipper and smack you girls flaps so hard
A female with urine all over her vagina. So much that she has a tendency to stain things when seated.
Who the fuck pissed on the sofa man!?
That was the fat bitch man, she just sat down, she had a right pair of pissy flaps
A woman that is so large that you have to strap her flaps to get to the goods
The woman rosemary on "shallow hal" is a Flap Strapper
Excessive arm skin or arm fat that hangs down when arms are raised up
That fat torta is flapping her arms like a chicken so she can hit him with her arm flap
Term used to describe someone stupid in a less harsh manner