Jose Jayme is the name of a very gay individual. A Jose does not like people of dark skin and will do everything to get women away from him and out of his life. He is derogatory and a sweat at fortnite and lunchtime basketball. He is doodoo at life and always gets outrebounded by a Zaddy. He has a hot sister and thinks he is tuning his own sister. He is the size of Frodo and has a very short temper. A Jose Jayme constantly gets crossed up by a Shimmo and always will be blocked by a Berto. He has however completed one amazing achievement, he holds the record for the worlds largest head. Other words associated with a Jose Jayme can be: Josgay Gayme, Gayboi, Shooksay or even Faggot.
Your so gay, almost as gay as Jose Jayme
Stop being so Jose Jayme you faggot
I'm a homophobe, so i do not wish to be associated with Jose Jayme
"I'm Joseeee"-- iDubbz
Jose Jayme is the name of a very gay individual. A Jose does not like people of dark skin and will do everything to get women away from him and out of his life. He is derogatory and a sweat at fortnite and lunchtime basketball. He is doodoo at life and always gets outrebounded by a Zaddy. He has a hot sister and thinks he is tuning his own sister. He is the size of Frodo and has a very short temper. A Jose Jayme constantly gets crossed up by a Shimmo and always will be blocked by a Berto. He has however completed one amazing achievement, he holds the record for the worlds largest head. Other words associated with a Jose Jayme can be: Josgay Gayme, Gayboi, Shooksay or even Faggot.
Your so gay, almost as gay as Jose Jayme
Stop being so Jose Jayme you faggot
I'm a homophobe, so i do not wish to be associated with Jose Jayme
"I'm Joseeee"-- iDubbz
Jose Jayme is the name of a very gay individual. A Jose does not like people of dark skin and will do everything to get women away from him and out of his life. He is derogatory and a sweat at fortnite and lunchtime basketball. He is doodoo at life and always gets outrebounded by a Zaddy. He has a hot sister and thinks he is tuning his own sister. He is the size of Frodo and has a very short temper. A Jose Jayme constantly gets crossed up by a Shimmo and always will be blocked by a Berto. He has however completed one amazing achievement, he holds the record for the worlds largest head. Other words associated with a Jose Jayme can be: Josgay Gayme, Gayboi, Shooksay or even Faggot.
Your so gay, almost as gay as Jose Jayme
Stop being so Jose Jayme you faggot
I'm a homophobe, so i do not wish to be associated with Jose Jayme
"I'm Joseeee"-- iDubbz
Jose Jayme is the name of a very gay individual. A Jose does not like people of dark skin and will do everything to get women away from him and out of his life. He is derogatory and a sweat at fortnite and lunchtime basketball. He is doodoo at life and always gets outrebounded by a Zaddy. He has a hot sister and thinks he is tuning his own sister. He is the size of Frodo and has a very short temper. A Jose Jayme constantly gets crossed up by a Shimmo and always will be blocked by a Berto. He has however completed one amazing achievement, he holds the record for the worlds largest head. Other words associated with a Jose Jayme can be: Josgay Gayme, Gayboi, Shooksay or even Faggot.
Your so gay, almost as gay as Jose Jayme
Stop being so Jose Jayme you faggot
I'm a homophobe, so i do not wish to be associated with Jose Jayme
"I'm Joseeee"-- iDubbz
José Maria Fernandes is a Portuguese name. José Maria Fernandes is often a person with low arguing capabilities that will shove his point of view down your throat, he will not care about what you have to say. Is often described as a daydreamer that can't connect 2 thoughts.
Hey Look it's jose maria fernandes... such an Idiot!
she is good in studies and is a snitch and says that she cares for them
she dont know how to behave with others so she can get friends
the people with that name all mostly short
The name of the most insecure and unloyal person you will ever meet. He will let his own kids go hungry if he has any opportunity to fuck a beastly woman. He is a drunk and a loser. Run from this man before he gets a chance to fuck your sister. He also likes to duck his brothers ex girlfriends, usually when they have lost all of their original beauty and shave off their hair. He is broke as well.
Damn I smell something bad. I think someone stepped in some jose vilchez.