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waste of 4 years

a phrase used by people to define college

"I shouldn't have went to that state college. All I did was get drunk and party and now I can't find a job because of my useless degree in Environmental Art History. what a waste of 4 years."

by Colagegraduit January 17, 2016

Time-wasting Cunt

Someone who chats online to you for weeks, you call each other randomly to chew the fat, you send recent face and body pics of each other, everyone likes everyone's "bits n pieces", everyone's on the same page (or so it seems), they turn up to your house for what you both understand is a booty call then they decide to leave within the hour after only a beer lol

"What a time-wasting cunt."

by Wtfisgoingon1407 August 3, 2019

open-book wasted

Being so wasted that all inhibitions are lowered to the point where a person says anything and everything that comes to their mind creating an effect known as an "open book"

What did u expect me to say, i was open-book wasted

by thelonelyston3r July 8, 2010

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time wasting simulator

One of the most boring games on Roblox.

Time Wasting Simulator is soooo garbage oh mein gott I can't believe it

by Astolfo_Fanboy July 6, 2022

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Black Bitch Wasted

This phrase isn't a real phrase. I heard a kid say it once though and he had no idea what he was talking about. He was trying to get all his friends on board and no one was into it.

Guys, I wanna get black bitch wasted tonight.

Stop trying to get us to do that non real thing tony. It's not real. You're not real.

by Skunkypants February 1, 2015

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White girl wasted

Lifestyle Flashy phrase meaning to get very drunk and make dumb decisions. Most commonly applied to guys, in ironic fashion.

Yo, does Brian have a lampshade on his head? He is white girl wasted.

by H24E April 6, 2011

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Waste of good oxygen

When someone is wasting oxygen that can be used by another. Those with this characteristic are often useless people who are not useful to society. This characteristic is often found in men.

That man is a waste of good oxygen

by jade77380 January 23, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž