When one man gingerly rubs his P-hole against another man's P-hole.
During foreplay Devin one eyed butterfly kissed Frankie .
one small event that happens that can cause something huge to happen later
girl: *walks by a guy in Walmart and he asks for her snap*
3 years later.. *they get married*
girl: if i wouldn’t have walked past you in Walmart that day.. we wouldn’t be married rn
guy: yeah it’s the butterfly effect
A situation where there are alot more females than males. Not always a bad thing. It's the female equivalant of a sausage fest. The name refers to the female reproductive organ known as a vagina or butterfly.
Nikki: I'm gonna head down to The Stratus Club and find some guy to hook up with.
Callie: NO! Never go down there.
Nikki: Why?
Callie: Because, its always a total butterfly swarm. You would be lucky to even see a guy there.
Nico: I'm gonna go try to pick up some girl at Stratus
Calvin: My boy was just there and he said its a total butterfly swarm.
Nico:..............NICE! Thanks for the tip bro.
The ripple effects associated with deceptions. Often interlinked with chaos theory.
The deception butterfly produced by fake news was so vast they had to get the President involved in damage control.
Little johnny told the principle Sarah stole his cupcakes knowing she really didn't. The deception butterfly caused multiple parent teacher conferences and Sarah had to change schools.
When you had the sucking of a life from your girl and you shoot out sperm shaped like a butterfly.
When I slept with the woman I shot out a cum butterfly, it flew to the window.
when someone manages to guess your school locker lock’s code, remove the lock, and put it back on, but backwards. it is a pain in the ass to take the lock off if you’re a victim.
person 1: “did you hear that victoria and caitlin both got butterflied within an hour of each other?”
person 2: “it’s gotta be planned, they’re literally best friends”
(this is a true story)
A friend who gives you butterfly’s but you refuse to call a crush or a crush you are not fully confident will last.
‘Lily considered James a butterfly friend because she doesn’t fully know how she feels about him’