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Hydra Clan

Hydra is the best team NA SMACKED AK 13-1, also lead by azulie probably the best player in Asia and North America.

Is hydra clan lead by azulie? Hi

by Zon ios October 22, 2020

Clan Aeon

A Great Dutch Runescape Clan with a famous leader.

Omg its Clan Aeon!

by Robert--G May 17, 2009

Pronto Clan

The Pronto Clan is a criminal organization operating in Kosovo with a sophisticated hierarchical structure. The group's primary aim is to generate income through unlawful activities such as corruption, abuse of power, and similar offenses.
The Pronto Clan's organizational framework is based on a hierarchical model. The highest level of the organization is the "Supreme Leader," also known as "Shef i Shefave," with other members referring to their superiors as "Shef." Beneath the Supreme Leader, is a group of "Gjeneral´s," who serve as close advisers and deputies.
The Pronto Clan has a consigliere, known as "Shefi i Grupit." This high-ranking member is responsible for providing advice and guidance to the "Supreme Leader". "Shefi i Grupit" is expected to have knowledge of the law and the inner workings of the criminal justice system.
The next level is made up of "Komandant," each entrusted with responsibility for a specific region or activity within the organization. Below the “Komandant” are "Ushtar," members who perform activities on behalf of the group. Before becoming soldiers, individuals must complete the "Pronto Prospekt" stage, a stage that demonstrats their loyalty to the organization. Additionally, there are "Pronto Lavire," individuals who are not associated with the clan but have displayed interest towards it.
Pronto Clans numerous sub-departments, including SHIK, Pronto Courts, Pronto Prosecutors, Pronto Oligarchs, and lesser known Pronto PSD.


Hello Pronto Clan
With whom may I have the privilege of speaking?

You have the privilege of speaking with Shefin e Shefave.

by Patjeter! February 23, 2023

Muffin clan

--a club on newgrounds.com that is wicked and EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN!!

Banana_Bread_Muffin = Adim

by carrot_Muffin March 14, 2004

wuu clan


A group that is exclusive for homosexuals. If you aren't a homosexual, you can't join the clan on battle prime. They are lead by their proudly gay leader Hollywood. This clan also features top queer player nightmare. If you are gay faggy, WUU Clan is for You

by Dr Niggèr May 1, 2024


clan of friends to make money
they know they help they serve

i heard the DG clan just robbed a bank

by Dalkota January 14, 2018