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Unlike the day of the week, this definition is for the name Tuesday. Tuesday is an extremely rare name given to an extremely rare kind of woman. Tuesday's are incredibly intelligent, and exceptionally beautiful. Not to be underestimated. Tuesday's instantly light up any room they enter. Everybody either loves her or wishes they had her or were her. She's the best

"Did you hear about Tuesday's new boyfriend?" "Yeah he's the luckiest man alive but he must be a sick cunt if she loves him"

by rizzzzzzle November 22, 2021


Titty tuesday

Titty tuesday flash your boyfriend

by Jman 6 January 28, 2023


The answer to everything.

John- “Why is the sky blue?”

Philip- “Tuesday”

by Tuesday Man May 22, 2021


Anything you do on a Tuesday is easy and mundane

Man, I used to be able to drink four beers like it was Tuesday, but now I'm old and after four beers I'm fighting the parking meter.

by super fucking pissed off February 17, 2022


Tuesday is touch a titty tuesday. you have a free pass to touch anyone’s titties

Hey man, did you know that it’s touch a titty Tuesday?

by hobo banana October 17, 2019


The best day of the week cuz the Dolan Twins upload and make everyone happy.

“Bro, did you see the Dolan Twins new video?”
Wait...today’s Tuesday?”

by MLG Patotato March 7, 2018


A suitable replacement because the C bomb is just not done. descending from C u next tuesday.

Oh my god I can't bear her she's such a Tuesday!!!

He did what? what a Tuesday!

I love you mate, you are such a Tuesday and I love it!

by lebodge December 23, 2020