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trashy weeb

A person who loves Japan. Sometimes they think they are japonese when they arent.

This word is used to make fun of those people.

Guy Trashy Weeb: Man I love me some Attack On Titan! I wanna go to the stuido and live in japan and help write it!

Guy 2: Your a trashy weeb Kill yourself.

by Not A Trashy Weeb April 3, 2017

Chill Weeb

An anime fan who isn't on your ass about the stupidest shit, like watching English anime, or liking MHA. They don't have 16 body pillows of anime girls, and actually shower. They also try not to spoil animas for friends, and 9-10 times have been traumatized on multiple occasions. They also breath air, drink water, snd touch grass. (Also known as casual anime fan)

New Friend: Hey bro, can you recommend any anime to me? I'm new. My friends have said you're a chill weeb.
Me: I gotchu. Don't watch Jujutsu Kaisen, NO MATTER WHAT. But aside from that, I would not recommend Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece...

by Churros_XD July 6, 2024

Weeb order

This is here bc my bf didn’t believe it existed im tryna prove a point

Him : weeb order doesn’t exist
Me : yes it does look at your manga collection

by Mioyah February 22, 2022

Hood Weeb

A term originally used as a self-description for anime fans from the literal hood. Quickly appropriated by, typically right-leaning, terminally online, 4chan-adjacent anime fans due to anime youtuber Chibi Reviews being doxxed and some people not sharing sympathy for his situation causing the terminally online individuals to believe the same "hood" individuals who are somehow not intelligent enough to consume anime critically are also simultaneously responsible for hacking into Chibi's credentials.

Prior to the pandemic boom anime was seen in a negative light; associated with cringe comps and bullying. Post-pandemic, however, their hobbies of consuming loli material, waifu culture, and Japan xenocentrisim was suddenly exposed by younger and/or less online demographics. The online fans redirected all their hate to the, arguably, largest vocal demographic against their people, black teens who exclusively watch shonen, previously referred to as shonentards in the 2000s. Shonentards are essentially 'hood weebs' just without the racially charged implication.

Hood weeb: waifu talks in big 2025 😭😭

Real Anime Fan: Shut up you loser hood weeb. The term and concept of "waifu" has been used since forever. Everyone has a celebrity crush and grew up with a crush on cartoon characters this shit isn't even anime only... The fact you're crying about a well world wide concept shows YOU'RE stupidity!

by vrillbill February 16, 2025

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Hood Weeb

Hood Weebs are seen as African Americans who consider themselves anime fans while only exclusively watching shonen. Dragon Ball and Naruto is a requirement. Bleach and/or One Piece tends to be the third anime watched. And said group tends to 'diversify their pallete' due to the fear of being send as a 'shonentard' by watching whatever "less shonen-y" shows are avaliable on streaming like Death Note or Steins Gate. Typicially engages in anime discussion exclusivey through battle boarding or hypothetical 1v1s or 'solo'-ing.

Hood Weebs tend to vocalize their embarrassment of being associated with the broader anime community due to the actions of other anime fans (waifu culture, lolis). While the other group don't want to associate with them either due shonen-bias, immaturity, being normies, and ethnicity. Ultimately leading to a very embarrassing civil war for all parties involved.

the hood weeb loves dragon ball and playing 2k

by vrillbill February 16, 2025

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Hood Weeb

A subset of anime and otaku culture that is a mix of anime and street/urban culture
At least that's what you'd think right?
Actually no. The hood in hood weeb actually stands for gang mentality, as hood weebs are primarily identified by engaging in excessive and obsessive behavior over anime, such as doxxing people, spreading CSEM and such.

One thing hood weebs have in common is that most of them are action shounen fans, as in they only watch action shounen anime, such as Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Boruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, etc.

The term has nothing to do with race/ethnicity, as anyone can engage in hood weeb behavior regardless of ethnicity.

Person: "I'm at my wits end.... like they're actively trying to dox everything. Hacking into one of my accounts and they are posting cp on it. They are trying to get my phone number, and they are trying to involve my other family members. Please anyone I beg you... help me"
Hood weeb: "Racist weebs when they have to fight hood weebs and not sensitive sheltered college grads." *Yamcha's death pose pic*

by PomuHub February 17, 2025

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Hood Weeb

A term coined by weebs who are usually terminally online, like to doxx people and spread CSEM, to refer to themselves. Most of them only every watch shounen anime such as DBZ, One Piece and Boruto, and latest, Dandadan. And they tend to get mad at the slightest provocations, or even non-provocations. They like to spend most of their time online and usually don't have a job or a functioning family, hence their extremely volatile and unstable nature. And they always seem to have CSEM on hand.

Person: "I'm at my wits end.... like they're actively trying to dox everything. Hacking into one of my accounts and they are posting cp on it. They are trying to get my phone number, and they are trying to involve my other family members. Please anyone I beg you... help me"
Hood weeb: "Racist weebs when they have to fight hood weebs and not sensitive sheltered college grads." *Yamcha's death pose pic*

by PomuHub December 16, 2024

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