Source Code

The Land Where People Go To Die

Synonymous with Yarmouth yet more appropriately and onimously named, The Land Where People Go To Die is much like The Land That Time Forgot -- meaning of course that you won't be coming back because the headhunters and savages will tear you apart limb by limb, and speak in quasi-native languages that are incomprehensible (see Franglais or Acadien).

Steve : I was visiting Maine to meet Stephen King, and he told me to visit The Land Where People Go To Die. I didn't understand what he meant, maybe he was just trying to freak me out.

Tyler : Dude, don't go there! Where do you think he got most of his ideas from? He's referring to Yarmouth! It's right across the water! I've never heard of anyone ever coming back.

by Anty127 February 14, 2024

Where the birds at

Means where the hoes at

Aye gang where the birds at?

by R3altrapstar December 19, 2022

where is minky's comment?

A question almost no one has to ask, since all of Minky's comments are spaced out and easy to find.

Yo, Tsing! Where is Minky's comment?

You will find them easily, they are spaced out with a Minky emoji between them!

by MinkyMan November 20, 2018

where ma gets

Or Wer ma getz is a filino slang and another way of saying where will I get

Friend: You can go to cebu with a boyfriend
Me: lol wer ma getz (where ma gets)

by Loopyism101 May 21, 2023

Where is my Family

In the basement. Wanna Check? :))

You: Where is my Family
Me: Follow me :))

by RedCodeLink September 10, 2022

Where are you going, Leon!?

A phrase yelled out by Ashley Graham, a character from Resident Evil 4, when the player forgets to assist her. It is notorious in the Resident Evil community for being annoying and irritating, especially when the player is busy (fighting, etc).

Leon: (walks away before catching Ashley from a high jump)
Ashley: Where are you going, Leon!?

by the bug on your window July 24, 2023

Where was this Drake?

When someone defies all odds and over performs with an Ultra instinct like move.

Bro makes amazing game winning shot.

Teammate - Bro! Where was this Drake? 2 weeks ago.

by BTA0728 April 20, 2024