If your name is Robert Bates, you are probably gonna end up a squeaky voiced disabled librarian
I went to the library to take a bullet journaling class and I got scared to death. Robert Bates was teaching the class.
A wet Willy without the wet. A dry Robert.
I’m going to give you a dry Robert.
A man who keeps asking questions even though he already knows the answer.
- Sir, should I backup my hard drive ?
- Oh... Come on, stop being such a Louis Robert !
The best person ever and always has someone's back. Very sexual and loves one girl and loves her back but she doesn't know ;). Loves himself and one other person. The love of her life. Watches porn on a daily and never answers with a yes or no. He answers with a maybe!
Robert Harris is happy.
The Creator of the area 51 raid,who pussied out because he thought everyone would get killed.
"It WoUld Be a hUmAnITaRiAn DisAsTeR."
Bob :" C'mon man share the answers for the science homework"
Lazar: "I'm not sure man.I don't wanna get in trouble."
Bob : "Don't be such a Matty Roberts man.Why u gotta chicken out?"
Problably the best character of the hit game Hitman 2. His main habitat is his research center in Miami. He has a daughter named sierra and owns the millions of dollars worthy company Kronstadt industrys. He works as CEO and researcher in his headquarters with a ton of bodyguards
Robert knox is the founder of Kronstadt industrys
After watching March madness all day, your girlfriend queefs in your mouth before you eat her out
Bailey was so excited after the basketball game she did the oral Robert