Definition of Anas is "Love" and "Affection". The Persons with name Anas are Creative and they are strong minded as well. Their promising nature attract others towards them. They are popular among their friend circle. Their good deeds, pleasing nature and passion will help them to achieve popularity. Their Determination and perfection towards their works makes them successful in their career.
Anas is loving and caring by nature
Anas is a cheerful person. Someone with a perfect face and captivating dimple. He strives for a better life every day.
Anas is a very cheerful and friendly person, just like his name.
a great friend or boyfriend, anas is a quiet boy, but he talks a lot with the one he likes, always seeks for attention but only to certain people.
A good friend, or boyfriend. nice guy indeed, pretty quiet but talks a lot to the girl he likes. he’ll always seek for attention, but only to a certain people.
anas is quiet, but he talks a lot to her?
Anas is what you call someone when they are dense and are also coincidentally disabled
Saranghae: Yaw knaww jai pwwakashh gawt in an accident OwO. Hew's so dwense.
lili: What the fuck is he an Anas now?
Saranghae: yas queen ❣♥♥♥
He will fuck all bitches and dip on em. He has the best personality and hates niggers and gays.