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Garth Brooks

Garth is the sound made while puking. Brooks is a small stream. garth brooks Is defined as the constant puking of ones guts.

I drank to much and garth brooks my guts out all the next morning.

by John T&T November 11, 2007

37πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

brook park

nigggers walk around the neighbor hood like its their hood.
white people think g-way is the ghetto of brook park.

niggger: we own this hood, brook park
white person: nigguh i live in g-way how you gunna tell me that this is ya hood. bitch if you walk through g-way youll get shot with our gats.

by baby girl lexi June 12, 2008

19πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

darrell brooks

A less than steller driver. Ususally crazy. Often confused with a black supremacist

Samuel: My man pulled a darrell brooks last night

Betty: What the fuck? That's not cool dude. Why do you love to make jokes about white genocide?

Dan: What fuckin "White genocide"? Darrell Brooks is just a crazy person, period.

by SmeeveJeeve January 2, 2022

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Brooke Hogan

A very fine woman who gives new meaning to the phrase 'baby got back'.

Dayyyyyaaammmmnnn, that Brooke Hogan chick got back!

by TomsRiverNJ December 1, 2007

59πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

brooke monk

she is beautiful, and a great person. her tiktoks make me happy, and she is a lovely being.

Omg did you see brooke monk’s new post? Look how pretty she is!

by fartpants3 November 27, 2021

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dirty brooks

The act of anally fucking a girl so hard, the penis can be seen sticking out the vagina

Sheesh, my asshole is still sore from that dirty Brooks you gave me last month.

by csimmons69 June 28, 2020

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jimiing the brooks

1:to touch ones self in an unholy or unclean manor
2:to rape a goat or other four legged, horned animal of equal or similar size to an adolescent human

I walked in on my son last night and he was jimiing the brooks on the kitchen table

by chad dover January 5, 2008

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