When u choke after toking a bowl while sucking a dick.
She panda choked all over the club.
It means jerking off, masturbaiting, flicking the bean, tossing the salad.
I choke the chicken on no nut november
Performing a blow job. Don't call it a job for nothing. Have to be careful not to bite down! Ouchy...
Want me to choke on pipe? Best said in a Lancashire accent .
When a north indian girl falls in love with a south indian nigger typically older than her, mostly because she has no other option due to her college being in chennai or something
I think i have fallen for you suryatheja reddy. Choke me anna!
To grib one hand around your cock very tightly and masturbate
Ron's mom walked into his room and caught him applying that five finger choke while he watched his next door neighbour undressing through his bedroom window
Another term to describe autoerotic asphyxiation, yet specifically when one is alone.
Neville could not find his belt after he had a choke and fap
Another way of saying “jerking off.” This phrase also specifically makes fun of the fact that bishops and their hats look like a penis, thus the phrase “Choking the Bishop” where Bishop is the fill in for Penis and Choking is the fill in for a persons grip while they masturbate
I plan to head home and Choke the Bishop while watching some porn on the good old flatscreen