Say you and your homies have gone out for a night on the town, and you've had a few too many blueberry cruisers. So after a taxi ride home that took you through the Maccas drive-thru for some sweet nugs, you decide to ditch your friends and rock up unannounced at a friends room only to jump under the doona. However, unlike the booty -call, chucking a raves is to have a sleep over with no intention of reaching penetration station.
Normally after chucking a raves the visitor will leave early in the am, in order to avoid meeting roomies or parents.
If an individual experiences several raves in a short period of time their bedroom may be reffered to as the 'Rave Cave'.
For example, "Dude I don't wanna bang her, I just wanna awkwardly cuddle her and leave at 6am..."
"Dude that's totally chucking a Raves"
To do a random weird act in order to please a higher power and hence getting someone you want to fall in love with you. e.g. pull a huge tutu over your head and screaming as loud as you can in a public setting.
Last time I chucked a nan was on Megan, not sure if it’ll work on you though. - chuck a nan.
When someone is using another countries accent too much of a long period of time. Not only is it being overused, but it is done badly.
"That foootball game was bluty hell!" - Chuck
"Stop being such a Rusty Chuck!" - group of people
Another way of saying fuck someone and ghost them
I used that lass for a quick buck&chuck
an adjective to describe something so epic that i comes as close as humanly possible to becoming Chuck norris
1st dude "dude did you see that mustache on that guy"
2nd dude "yeah dude it was totally Chuck Norrisy"
Yo Emily and Amy hung out with Miami Chuck, and he was so awesome that their depression was cured!
The act of throwing up, particularly when at a party and/or in a high intensity.
'Yo man, did you hear about longley, hes chucking nuggets man'