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Dave Chappelle

Host of 'Chappelle's Show' on Comedy Central. Bases all of his jokes around racism and the word 'cracker'. Has the whole white male teenage population wrapped around his finger just because he gets away with saying nigger when no one else does.

If I hear one more effing person say 'I'm Rick James, bitch'... I might just slice myself with a rusty garden shovel

by JBo July 1, 2005

71πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž

dave chappelle

a bad ass motherfucker who sreaks his

don;t fuck with him.........................................

by bugsyleeo21 January 27, 2005

29πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Naked Dave

Some naked guy from the CKY movies.

"Oh, GROSS! Did you see that guy's balls?"

by Lindsey February 14, 2004

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Emo Dave

Emo Dave is just like most other emo boys. Emo Dave likes most things, doesn't like 'hatred' and he understands your pain, heartbreak, and loneliness. Emo Dave would never write this about himself because he doesn't believe any of its true, he is a bit self deprecating. He's actually not to bad. You can find him on Myspace.

Emo Dave will be your friend forever as long as you don't break his heart.

by Friend of Emo Daves July 17, 2006

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Dave Santos

A name giv'n to guys with lil to no penis

2: Name of a banned sex ( guy on guy cums in ass shits out, other guy shits on 1st guys shit then fucks the shit together to make a 2 shit 3 cum pile)
3: A failed replaced way of saying leeroy jenkins!

Dude! i walked in to your dad and landlord doin a dave santose lastnight...

omg man your dick is so small your name is now dave... dave santos.

omfg im fucking awesome eat this... dave santos!

by puffs your mom April 9, 2011

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Hungry Dave

When you cum inside of a pussy or asshole and suck your own cum out.

Oh man we got so freaky I hungry dave'd her pussy

by Lauren in the sky with diamonds July 6, 2008

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The love of one’s life, one who is adored and revered with the utter most love and respect. The air which fills another’s lungs, the magic in all which is good.

If it were not for my Darling-Dave my life would not have the excitement, love and joy that I am gifted everyday I am married to him.

Even durning the most difficult times in life, I am able to cope because of Darling-Dave.

After 20 years of marriage my beloved deserves his own word for how he consumes my being. He is Darling-Dave and he is the enbodiment of all which I adore and love.

by Diann April 6, 2006

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž