Mars is Earth's little brother planet.
Robots are exploring Earth's little brother.
The most over powered weapon a human can possibly use. I.E. a form of divine torture
John used Earth Style Fanged Pursuit Jutsu to tramitase the nazi
When someone really doesn't care what you're talking about, so they decide to not listen AT ALL WHATSOEVER, THEN THEY SAY, "Who on earth cares?" and then just stomp away.
"Hey, do you know what a magnetic field is?"
"Who on earth cares?!?!" *Stomps away*
Person 1: u know the we living on a round Earth
Person 2: nigga wtf
1👍 6👎
retard: the earth is flat
smart person: no its not we live on a round earth you fucking moron
Cathie and Michael McGowan, parents of Patrick Spector McGowan.
Oh wow it's true, according to Urban Dictionary, it says here that Cathie and Michael McGowan are the best people on Earth.
When a junior VC gets booted / managed out of their firm and finds a regular product, ops, strategy role and joins the rest of Silicon Valley plebeians
Caroline: What happened to Vikram? He stopped posting IG stories of Europe?
Kevin: oh he got managed out to earth by a16z. Seems like he’s a growth PM at Smartsheet now