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a depressing poet philosopher and song writer, this group of often teenage people, sit round in circles and get drunk. when bored at home, we get depressed, and come up with grudges against people, but rather than hurting that person we hurt ourselves. we even have our own style of music, witch is always emotional and some say (me) origionates from the 80's style music.
the brief definition is emotional punk rocker.

emo poet and philosopher at work <<3and when we leave u high and dry, we are the one with sorrow!>></3

by grant- the protecter of the poet October 29, 2006

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see wuss or wussy

"that kid is such an emo fag!"

by cluny March 17, 2006

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queers who have normal lives but they think their life is the worst. They live in caves and cast spells. The male species wear tight pants and tight shirts that show their out of shape arms. 95% of the time you can only see one of their eyes because they have hair over one of them. These are referred to as "cyclops emos." All of them deny their emonallity. The female species are very bitchy and will snap if you call them emo. they generally all cut their wrist to "relieve their eternal pain and suffering." All emos say people don't understand them and say they have had a crisis happen to them such as molestation and or rape. Emos are usually born nerds who can't seem to mutualize with anybody as friends so they join the emo clan. Emoism usually begins for rejects at around age 13 and usually ends around age 17, but can last much longer.

<<<darkslayer93>>Hey Charlie wut u up 2?
<silentassassin666> Just workin on my spell casting dude wbu?
<<<darkslayer93>>nm im cutting my wrist rite now

<silentassassin666>sweet dude need help? wat 4?
<<<darkslayer93>>some jock today called me emo! can u believe it? if only the world understood my problems!!! but yea u shud come on over
<silentassassin666>aite man ill ttyl
<<<darkslayer93>>make sure u bring some condoms
<silentassassin666>i already got em dude

by carolinagcock007 July 6, 2009

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when gay and goth have a child

the emo kid that sits in the back of the room and constantly complains how sad or depressed they are

by lolleon February 11, 2009

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A bunch of fags that wear black, cut themselves, cry over little things even though they are loaded enough to shop at Cock Topic( yeah you have lots of money and parents that love you enough to give you money, life is pain huh?) These are not considered human, but a subspecies known as emopithecidae. They should be shot on site and are an annoyance to all.

www.myspace.com/babyxfac3e3 = EPIC EMO FAIL.

by wanttokillemo February 24, 2009

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Emo is something that a lot of people hate and god knows why. There's nothing wrong with it and people need to grow up. Quit putting emo and gothic in the same category they are completely different. I think people should know everything about something if they are going to hate it, I mean what's the point in hating something you know nothing about? So get a life, get off emo's case and worry about something worth while, and if you continue to dwell on it, then go have a cry about it and become what you people assume to be emo.

"You don't have to be depressed to like emo"

by River-Lee January 18, 2006

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Depressed teenagers who often cut themselves 'to feel alive.' They typically have black hair, and thick rimmed glasses. They generally carry a black rain cloud of depression around, and they sigh a lot. They read books about cutting themselves, drug addictions and vampies, and enjoy movies with the same subjects.

Pubert: Oh my god, look at that girl Katie with the black hair and the cuts. She's so emo.
Alyssa: Yeah, Katie is pretty emo, she reads nothing but Twilight and Crank.

by gastonn37 November 27, 2009

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