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Fake friends

Taylor Jackson Deja cater kaiyah fat ass white and shyla Bradford and Timera Ben ford all them lol hoes are fake as fuck

I hate fake friends like them ulgy hoes tf

by Made by Shamyaia July 19, 2019

fake monster

1) Someone putting up a front.
2) Lying about a big penis.

1) He says he fights a lot but he's a fake monster.

2)You better watch out for that fake monster in Matt's pants.

by fakemonster July 28, 2005

dump fake

Like the pump fake in basketball this a simply a fake out. This fake out occurs when you’re trying to take a shit but get faked out.

Yo bro I think I may be constipated; that or I just got dump faked.

by igottashitbadly January 16, 2020

fake culture

a culture which prefers fake things over the real thing for example, people like fake asses and titties, professional (fake) porn is preferred by many instead of amateur (real) porn, reality (staged scripted drama) TV, people who pretend to be happy but are just depressed.

Bob: Kim K has a nice ass.
Tyler: Kim Kardashian's ass looks fucking awful, you just like fake culture.

by please enter your username March 25, 2021

Fake Mangasim

A Fake Mangasim is when a man can't ejaculate after a timely session of deep penetration whilst intoxicated.

‘I was going for gold after getting back from a night on the tiles, could I hell ejaculate so I fake mangasimed. I took her from behind grunted and spat on her back’

by Urban Cowboy Smith April 11, 2011

fake channel

a channel that shows movies with commercials

per1: oh i love that movie
per2: me too, but it on a fake channel

by hatememakeme December 23, 2013

3👍 -1👎

Fake Sneakers

Fake sneakers (also known as reps) are a replica of a sneaker. Usually cost substantially less than the "Authentic" sneakers.

"Yo are those the SB Travis Scott Dunks?!" - Random Kid

"Yeah, they are fake sneakers though." - Another random kid

by jpskell April 14, 2022