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french polish

When your Bae uses more tongue than mouth during a blowjob.

"Bloody hell, love. I wanted a blowjob not a French polish."

by TheBlank89 January 1, 2016

French Chameleon

When you are having intercourse with a girl and you pull your cock out and it looks green and brown as if a chameleon is disguising itself in her ass

Yeah she gave me the best French Chameleon I've ever had

by Crazy hippy monkey balls April 24, 2017

French Hairline

A hairline that is retreating to the back the head.

John: Oh my?!? Jim, what happened to your hair??
Jim: I got a bad haircut
John: No, you got yourself a french hairline, you gotta embrace it and shave the lot or start wearing a hat.
Jim: what’s a french hairline?
John: It’s retreating...to the back of your head.
Jim: huh
John: you’re going bald. Soon there will be no clear definition of where your forehead ends and your scalp begins.

by Butter-cup November 1, 2020

Le French

a great companion like a seelie in genshin le french can be found in its natural habitat on discord and anime kisa watching slime diaries

hello, Le French

by aatermis April 13, 2021

french for pain


Random person:If bread is french for pain THEN I OWN A FUCKING BAKERY!!

by Yfumtytjcythd November 26, 2021

French revolution

Three participants engaging in alternating french mullets on a singular target.

Me and my two buddies went out drinking one night when we saw this hipster passed out drunk face down on the street and we decided to declare a french revolution on the back of his head!

by DKSTBBRL! November 17, 2019

French Errand

To aquire a large portion of drugs or money by the sale of drugs. Typically refering to marijuana.

"Hey ill be right back I need to run a French errand"

Person one: "Bro, howd you get all that money?"
Person two: "Oh you know, I ran a French errand"

by Maximillianare December 29, 2018